Les cahiers de l'Islam
Les cahiers de l'Islam

Les cahiers de l'Islam

Documentaires/Films (2) : Festivals, Maisons de Productions

 Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival
The Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival is committed to discovering and sharing some of the most exciting and thought provoking films from around the world. Our aim is to use film as a means for presenting topics and issues that are timely, relevant and generate meaningful discussion about Muslims and the Muslim world. Our dedicated team carefully selects films from across the globe that transcend countries, languages and cultures while highlighting the common humanity among people of all races, ethnicities and religious beliefs.

Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts
Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts is a non-profit civil company, launched in early 2013, to support and produce documentaries and short and experimental films, and to organize specialized training courses on documentary filmmaking.

Darifton Prod
Darifton Prod est une jeune maison de production française. Elle a notamment réalisé et produit un court métrage documentaire sur les musulmans japonais.
Deen de confiance (DDC)
DDC se veut être l’intermédiaire entre les bénévoles et les structures associatives. En effet, DDC s’engage à intégrer sur le terrain les associations sérieuses dites "dignes de confiance" afin d’y effectuer un petit reportage présentant une ou plusieurs des actions phares de l’association choisie.

La vidéo sera par la suite travaillée dans un montage, puis publié sur le site internet www.deendeconfiance.com, ainsi que sur l’ensemble des réseaux sociaux. Le but étant d'aider toutes les associations ne disposant pas d'assez de moyens pour promouvoir leurs actions à travers des vidéos, et autres support de communication.
Halaqah Films
Founded in 1998 (London) Halaqah has evolved from audio products to media services and finally film production and distribution.

Halaqah Films is a multi-national independent media group built on a socially responsible moral ethos. Halaqah challenges the centuries of media representation by bringing focus to stories of those who have been made voiceless through inequality.

Halaqah Films is dedicated to presenting vibrant, conscious, contemporary and educational media and services. Media that demands social change and promotes peace , morality and justice. The same multi-award standard applied to our products is also extended to our clients. Cutting edge graphic design, filming, post-production, studio composition, film scores, distribution, DVD authoring and product artist branding.
Islam in Spanish Production
Our unique professional skill in the field of Television Production and documentary filmmaking has made IslamInSpanish a worldwide distribution source on the local Comcast Channel 17 public access channel for years equaling over 250+ television shows produced that have gone on to be broadcast internationally in channels in Spain and throughout the nation as well as online. Our mission is to inspire, lead and pioneer solutions in educating Latinos and communities about Islam in the Spanish language through media production and grassroots outreach worldwide. Get to know us through our story as told through video.

Réalisation et production de films, reportages et documentaires.
ISNA Film Festival (Islamic Society of North America)
Film Festival will be organized at the 2016 Annual ISNA convention on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (September 2-4, 2016). The selected movies and documentaries will be played at the convention. Producers and directors will be given an opportunity to talk about the movie as well as to answer questions from the attendees. The Film Festival at the 2015 convention featured 15 movies and documentaries. It also included an inaugural session with well known speakers. ISNA Film Festival introduces attendees to the vast and dynamic world of films as well as to the talented filmmakers.
Kazan International Muslim Film Festival
The aim of the festival is the experience exchange of the workers in the sphere of culture and Arts of Russia and Muslim countries of the neighboring and far-abroad countries, display of the creative achievements of the Muslim cinematographers and the representatives of the other religious affiliation, who make films popularizing human, spiritual and moral values as well as cultural traditions, the formation of the objective views of the world and Russian community about Muslims and Islam.
Le Cinéma Numérique Ambulant (CNA)
Le Cinéma Numérique Ambulant est un réseau international d’associations. Il gère quinze unités mobiles de projection au Bénin, au Burkina Faso, au Mali, au Niger, au Sénégal, au Togo, au Cameroun et en France. Ces cinémas ambulants réalisent des projections en milieu rural et dans les quartiers populaires des zones urbaines.

Le CNA est un outil culturel diffusant une culture authentique aux populations privées d’accès à la culture et aux arts contemporains, en particulier au cinéma, en raison de leur enclavement géographique et social. Le CNA c’est aussi un réseau de partenaires, des équipes et des bénévoles, des engagements et des valeurs, une charte et un savoir-faire développé chaque jour sur le terrain, au contact de nos publics.
Light Inc.
LIGHT Inc. was initiated in France in 2008 under the impulse of two research students and a dynamic businessman. Our main goal is to restore and safeguard a humane meaning in hyper-diverse modern societies, and inspire younger generations to be part of the change. LIGHT Inc. is a diasporic think/act tank researching and promoting critical, multicultural literacy for building a sustainable social harmony from a decolonial perspective.
Matmedia Productions
Established in 2001, Matmedia Productions has been producing film and television for global mainstream broadcast and cinema release. The aims of Matmedia Productions are to promote cultural understanding and interfaith tolerance in the global context through high quality educational films and documentaries. Films : Al Ghazali : The Alchemist of Happiness, Circling the House of God, The Furthest Mosque.
Mike Mosallam Productions (MMP)
Mike Mosallam Productions (MMP) was founded in 2011 by Mike Mosallam, a producer, director and executive consultant of theatre, film and television. MMP is most commonly known for executive producing the critically appraised TLC series, “All-American Muslim,” which ran on the network’s 2011-2012 season, along with the internationally acclaimed "Breaking Fast," a short film that Mike wrote & directed and now a fully-developed feature that is slated for production in late 2018.
Mokhtar Awards
Le Festival des Mokhtar est un festival international de courts-métrages qui se déroule à Paris chaque année depuis 2013.

L’événement voit le jour dans un contexte anxiogène qui focalise de vives tensions autour de la question de l’Islam et des minorités musulmanes en France, afin de permettre l’émergence d’un cinéma réinventé, à la croisée de l’engagement et de la spiritualité. Résolument inclusif et indépendant, le Festival des Mokhtar se donne pour mission première de favoriser un nouvel élan artistique au sein des communautés marginalisées et rendues invisibles par les projecteurs aveuglants des pouvoirs.

Passionné.es, nous partageons la conviction que le cinéma possède en lui les germes de la paix et de la reconnaissance mutuelle. Notre objectif est de permettre l’expression de nouvelles perspectives et de nouvelles voix issues de communautés minoritaires dont les référentiels culturels sont trop souvent dépréciés, en facilitant l’articulation et l’exposition d’histoires personnelles ou de récits populaires ou méconnus, sous-représentés dans les grands médias et au cinéma.

MPAC Hollywood Bureau
The MPAC Hollywood Bureau serves as a bridge between the Muslim community and the entertainment industry. Our goal is to increase the number of authentic and humanizing stories of Muslims and Islam on film and TV. We do this by engaging the industry and developing relationships with filmmakers, artists, and studio executives. The Bureau also works with American Muslims to nurture creative talent and connect emerging filmmakers, writers and actors with industry professionals.
MPAC experts provide information, background, and consultation that addresses cultural and religious sensitivities in such areas as civil rights, politics, foreign affairs, art, culture, history, law, family issues and more.
OnePath Network (Muslim film production studio)
OnePath Network is a world class Muslim film production studio, based in Sydney, Australia. It is a 21st century initiative, inviting people to Islam, and helping the message of Islam to reach the masses, all over the world. Our programs are developed based on extensive research, produced with high quality and will be offered by a range of local and international personalities and scholars. Our aim is to enable all people to develop in all aspects of their spiritual, educational and social lives.
Religion Today Film Festival (Italie)
Religion Today fut crée en 1997 comme le premier festival itinérant international du cinéma des religions pour une culture de paix et de dialogue entre les individus, les peuples, les religions et les cultures. Organisé par BiancoNero, association culturelle sans but lucratif, le festival renouvelle chaque année son «voyage dans les différences» : les sectes, les croyances, les visions du monde mais aussi dans les styles et langues, pour un enrichissement dans la confrontation et la connaissance mutuelles.
Repères et Vocations
Depuis 2014, l’équipe Repères et Vocation s’est lancé dans un road trip documentaire à la rencontre des musulmans à travers le monde. Après La Bosnie et la Chine, cette quête devrait nous mener prochainement à la rencontre des peuples musulmans « autochtones » d’Ethiopie chez le peuple « Harari », mais encore au Cambodge chez les « Chams », en Russie chez les « Tatars » au Tibet chez les « Kachee » et enfin chez les Tzotzil musulmans du Mexique.

Cette quête a pour vocation de mettre en avant la mosaïque culturelle qui constitue la civilisation islamique. Avec des processus d’évolution spécifique à chacun, nous souhaitons, par le biais de nos voyages et de nos rencontres, tenter de comprendre comment ces peuples ont su, à la fois, préserver leur particularité culturelle vis-à-vis d’un Islam d’influence Arabe, et conserver leur héritage islamique vis-à-vis de la société dans laquelle ils vivent.
Sanad Abu Dhabi Film Fund
SANAD is the Development and Post-Production Fund of twofour54, providing talented Arab filmmakers with meaningful support towards the development or completion of their narrative and documentary feature-length films. SANAD seeks out bold and remarkable projects from both new and established filmmakers with the aim of encouraging intercultural dialogue and artistic innovation, while building stronger networks within the region’s film industry. SANAD also offers year-round support and publicity to grantees and their selected projects to help filmmakers connect with potential partners, further funding opportunities and audiences.
Sulaiman Productions
SULAIMAN Prod est une boîte de production de contenus vidéos pour les musulmans francophones. Nous visons en production propre ou à travers des partenariats à faire émerger tout type de contenu allant du reportage à la fiction. Nous souhaitons mettre sur le devant de la scène tous les aspects positifs de la communauté francophone musulmane sur tous les champs d’action allant de la spiritualité, de l’économie, du social, du politique, des médias, du sport, du divertissement ou encore de l’humanitaire.
Ummah Wide
Ummah Wide is a digital media and film production company telling stories that transcend the borders of global diasporic communities.
Unity Productions Foundation (UPF)
The mission of Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) is to counter bigotry and create peace through the media. UPF produces films that tell compelling stories for television, online viewing, and theatrical release. These films are part of long-term educational campaigns aimed at increasing understanding among people of different faiths and cultures, especially among Muslims and other faiths. Screenings have taken place in thousands of classrooms and civic institutions. Over 83% of participants in UPF film screenings and dialogues indicate positive feedback after viewing. Finally, UPF works in Hollywood through its MOST (Muslims on Screen and Television) Resource Center, providing facts and research to script writers and producers on popular shows seen worldwide. We are convinced of the power of media to empower citizens with greater understanding and to nourish pluralism in America and around the world.