Tags (9) : University
SOAS, Université de Londres, est le seul établissement d'enseignement supérieur en Europe spécialisé dans l'étude de l'Asie, l'Afrique et le Proche et Moyen-Orient.
The Centre of Islamic Studies, SOAS was established in 1995, and aims to promote scholarship and research in all areas of Islamic Studies, past and present. The study of the Qur’an and Hadith from the Arabic texts, and the analysis and translation of Islamic texts from Arabic into English form the core activities of the Centre.
The Centre also deals with Islamic thought in European, African and Asian languages and promotes the study of Islamic culture and relations between Muslims and the wider world.
The Centre of Islamic Studies, SOAS was established in 1995, and aims to promote scholarship and research in all areas of Islamic Studies, past and present. The study of the Qur’an and Hadith from the Arabic texts, and the analysis and translation of Islamic texts from Arabic into English form the core activities of the Centre.
The Centre also deals with Islamic thought in European, African and Asian languages and promotes the study of Islamic culture and relations between Muslims and the wider world.
Tags :
Center for Islamic studies,
islamics texts,
Middle East,
Within the realm of the humanities, Islamic Studies at the University of Erfurt is an interdisciplinary oriented subject that particularly addresses the social history of Muslim cultures by means of multifaceted research. It thus exceeds the traditionally dominant historical-comparative and philological approaches of related disciplines and institutes in Germany. Our two foci, Muslim cultures in Europe and in South Asia, complete this unique profile. The numerous fascinating research and dissertation projects of our staff members, Ph.D. candidates, and co-operation partners are further evidence of that
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies is one of the foremost academic institutions in the UK offering research and taught degree programmes in a wide range of areas within the field of Arab, Middle Eastern, and Islamic Studies. The Institute offers Arabic, Persian and Kurdish language studies as well as the literatures and cultures of the Arab world and Middle East, the history, politics, economies, societies, and anthropology of the region and almost every aspect of Islamic studies from medieval to modern Islam. A number of dedicated Centres and links with other subject areas provide students with an opportunity to branch out into other disciplines and subjects of study.
The Master of Arts in Islam combines the study of classical Islam with the study of the contemporary Islamic world. This approach is premised on the assumption that an understanding of today’s Islamic world cannot be achieved without a thorough grounding in the history of Islamic religion and civilization, an assumption often overlooked by scholars and analysts.
The curriculum is constructed with this dual focus in mind. Students are expected to take a number of core courses in the Religion Department that provide familiarity with Islamic religion throughout the centuries, alongside courses in other departments and schools at GW that provide insight into current politics, society, and culture in the Islamic world. Most prominent among these departments and schools is the Elliot School of International Affairs which offers a wide array of courses on the contemporary Islamic world.
The curriculum is constructed with this dual focus in mind. Students are expected to take a number of core courses in the Religion Department that provide familiarity with Islamic religion throughout the centuries, alongside courses in other departments and schools at GW that provide insight into current politics, society, and culture in the Islamic world. Most prominent among these departments and schools is the Elliot School of International Affairs which offers a wide array of courses on the contemporary Islamic world.
The study of the Middle East and Islam at New York University has a long and distinguished history which may well have begun with the university's founding in 1831. It is known that by 1837 the faculty included both a professor of Arabic, Syriac, Persian and Ethiopic, and a professor of Hebrew and Oriental languages; courses were offered in Arabic, Persian, biblical and rabbinic Hebrew, Chaldaic and Syriac. The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures (NELL) was established in 1966; the late Professor R. Bayly Winder served as the department's first chair.
The Mohammed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace is the first chair endowed at any university in the United States that is devoted to the study of Islam and peace.
Professor Said approaches this opportunity with the understanding that, "...because Islamic traditions provide a set of powerful political precepts and practices with universal implication, Islam also can make important contributions to a peaceful world order -- one that affirms the unique value of all cultural traditions."
Professor Said approaches this opportunity with the understanding that, "...because Islamic traditions provide a set of powerful political precepts and practices with universal implication, Islam also can make important contributions to a peaceful world order -- one that affirms the unique value of all cultural traditions."
Le lien mène directement à la page de l'Université d'Oxford sur les publications ayant pour thème l'Islam, de la plus récente (à venir) à la plus ancienne.
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Qatar National Library’s management and planning office is pleased to welcome you to the library’s website. Staff is currently preparing for the National Library’s opening in a spectacular library building designed by the renowned architect Rem Koolhaas.
Qatar National Library (QNL) carries out its mission through three functions: National Library, University and Research Library, and a Metropolitan Public Library of the digital age. The National Library function collects and provides access to global knowledge relevant to Qatar and the region. It also collects, preserves, and provides access to heritage content and materials about Qatar and the region. The University and Research Library function supports education and research at all levels by providing printed and digital library materials for students and researchers. Metropolitan Public Library delivers library services and information for everyone to enjoy reading, meet people, and become information literate.
Qatar National Library (QNL) carries out its mission through three functions: National Library, University and Research Library, and a Metropolitan Public Library of the digital age. The National Library function collects and provides access to global knowledge relevant to Qatar and the region. It also collects, preserves, and provides access to heritage content and materials about Qatar and the region. The University and Research Library function supports education and research at all levels by providing printed and digital library materials for students and researchers. Metropolitan Public Library delivers library services and information for everyone to enjoy reading, meet people, and become information literate.
The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies is the central forum for interdisciplinary research and teaching in Islamic Studies at Stanford University. It facilitates and promotes the study of Islamic cultures and societies, including the history of Islam from its beginnings to the twenty-first century, systematic study of Islamic social contexts, the religion
Tags :
Islamic cultures,
Islamic society,
Islamic Studies,
Middle east,
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